Understanding OSHA 10 And 30 Hour General Industry Training

When it comes to safety, OSHA has some pretty important outreach programs for training. Occupational safety and health for employees is a huge concern to any business and it should be, it can save on workers comp cases and more. General industry requires that employees receive plenty of on the job training in health and safety standards regarding specific hazards to the job task at hand.

When employees successfully complete this training they will receive a certification card within 6 to 8 weeks of their completing the required training. Courses for OSHA 10 and 30 Hour General Industry Training have been reviewed and accepted for online distribution and will go far in helping employers retain their safety records.

General Industry course training is intended as a comprehensive safety program to initiate anyone into the general industry. There is a 10-hour training course as an entry-level course and there is a 30-hour training course that is more comprehensive.

In the 10-hour course, employees are taught general awareness in recognizing and preventing hazards in their general industry setting. In the 30-hour course, employees are taught more comprehensive safety measures. This second course is for safety directors, foremen and also the general field supervisors. The program also includes the OSHA compliance issues as required by law.

When the employee has successfully completed the above course or courses, a card will be issued by the Department of Labor and the card will arrive in the mail within 6 to 8 weeks of the completion of the course.

At the completion of the course, a survey is given to each participant and must be completed within 6 months of the course training. This is to ensure that the employee was taught the right information and that the information is being utilized. The wallet cards won’t be issued until this survey has been completed.

OSHA authorized training courses to introduce the occupational safety and health lessons that all employees need to learn to recognize, prevent, avoid, and abate for workplace hazards and dangers. They also teach workers their rights and the responsibilities of the employer. Finally, the also show how to file a complaint should there be any reason to file one.

There are many customized training solutions for OSHA requirements. There is classroom training as well as online training. Taught in modules, this program offers questions at the end of each module to ensure that the employees are receiving the proper training and information and that they’re understanding it fully.

Students must achieve at least a 70 percent score on each of the individual modules to move to the next course. If they don’t pass the first time, there are two more opportunities to pass the quiz before students are locked out of the online versions and must resubmit the entire course.

After successful completion of the modules, a final exam must be passed in order to receive complete credit for the course. This final exam is 20 questions and will test the knowledge that is learned in the course. This score must also be at 70 percent in order to pass the full course and meet the requirements of the entire course.

There is typically a six-month time frame in which employees will have to successfully pass and complete all of the course requirements. Should students fail to complete the course in a timely fashion, Students will have to repeat the course, in many cases, the second time the course is taken will be at the student’s own cost.

Temporary certificates or safety cards will be readily available at the completion of the course and valid until the actual card is received in the mail in 6 to 8 weeks. All participants who pass will receive a DOL Construction Outreach Card for their wallets. This card should remain in the wallet at all times to be shown when required by the employer.

There are companion study guides that will ensure that the student is ready for the final exam upon completion. By passing the course quizzes at the end of each module, reading the study guide and paying attention in class students should have no issues in passing the course requirements. All employees must pass the OSHA safety standards and general industry training courses in order to continue their employment.